Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Why is Jewish Law so Detailed?

Why does the Jewish religion seem so particular about, details? How much Matza do we have to eat, which spoon did I use for milk and which for meat, what is the right way to tie my shoelaces?

It seems to me, that this misses the bigger picture, by focusing on minutiae. Is this nitpicking, called spirituality?

(I actually already sent you this question over a week ago and didn't receive a reply. Could it be that you have finally been asked a question that you can't answer?!)
I never claimed to have all the answers. There are many questions that are beyond me. But it happens to be, that I did answer your question, and you did get the answer.

I sent a reply immediately. The fact that you didn't receive it, is itself the answer to your question.

You see, I sent you a reply, but I wrote your email address leaving out the "dot" before the "com."

I figured, that you should still receive the email, because after all, it is only one little dot missing. I mean come on, it's not as if I wrote the wrong name, or something drastic like that! Would anyone be so nitpicky, as to differentiate between "yahoocom" and ""?

Isn't it a bit ridiculous. that you didn't get my email, just because of a little dot?
No, it's not ridiculous, because the dot, is not just a dot, it represents something. That dot has meaning, far beyond the pixels on the screen, that form it.

To me it may seem insignificant, but that is simply due to my ignorance of the ways of the internet. All I know is, that with the dot, the message gets to the right destination; without it, the message is lost to oblivion.
Jewish practices have infinite depth. Each nuance and detail, contains a world of symbolism, so every dot counts.

When they are performed with precision, a spiritual vibration is emailed throughout the universe, all the way to G-d's inbox.
If you want to understand the symbolism of the dot, study I.T.

If you want to understand the symbolism of Judaism, study it in detail!

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