Is there any proof of G-d?
Imagine you could do a blood test, to determine who your soul-mate is. You would go to a laboratory with a prospective partner, and give blood samples; and half an hour later they would tell you, yes or no.
Sounds great? But think about it: Is that an ideal way to start a relationship? Would it be romantic to say, "Listen, the blood test came out positive, so let's get married"?
The truth is, we wouldn't appreciate a laboratory-tested soul-mate. What creates a bond, is that it comes from within.
If we base a meeting Simone on external evidence, such as a blood test, we would indeed be sure, but the bond of a relationship would be lost.
Experience is an essential ingredient of true love; but certainty, is not. You will never know if this person is your wife or husband, unless you first go out with them, and see and feel for yourself.
This is why proving G-d, is not helpful. G-d wants us to enter into a relationship with Him, by choice, not by force. He created us as free beings, who can deny Him if we want. There is no outside force, argument or proof, that compels us to serve G-d.
For this reason, when we do serve Him, it is by a choice that it is coming from within us, and that is the basis for a real relationship.
We need to first experience the infinite G-d, through doing Mitzvahs, learning Torah, and learning Chassidus, etc.
There are many logical proofs of G-d's existence, and the truth of Torah.
But most people are only ready to accept these proofs, after they have already established a relationship with G-d; just as most people only recognize their soul-mate, after they have already met them, and formed a relationship.
If you wait until you know for sure, that you have found your soul-mate, you may remain single forever. And if you wait for proof of G-d's truth, you may live forever in a lonely universe.
Embrace uncertainty, and open yourself up to a real relationship. When you make that choice, you will find proof of G-d, within your own soul.
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